Ivan Efremov
Center of Noospheric Knowledge and Culture
According to V.I.Vernadsky's opinion we are entering a major epoch in evolution: the biosphere is being transformed into a new state of a noosphere. Due to human activities nature changes rapidly and often irrevocably… Each day a greater number of people become aware of their own responsibility towards the future for the biosphere's perpetuation and well-being.
But to earn a right for that responsibility means to understand the laws of evolution of Nature and Society. Such knowledge and specifically "noospheric" type of mentality — the foundation of which is still in need of more theoretical and practical development — should be accumulated and implemented from childhood. Ivan Efremov Center of Noospheric Knowledge and Culture considers its main mission to develop and implement such a world view.
At present scientists regard nature as a momentary section of evolution. During a single human life and moreover, even during the span of life of humankind in the whole it is next to impossible to grasp the mechanism of the biosphere functioning in its entirety and to understand the nature of the most stable trends in evolution.
Due to Ivan Efremov's experience as a scientist who embraced biology, geology and paleontology, as a scholar who analyzed evolution of nature during millions of years and strove to understand a process of nature and human society interaction, he acquired a stand to project and build social models of the future development… Earlier than many others he understood the dangers lying ahead and tried to find remedies helping to escape the biological and social Inferno.
We consider our aim to study dialectics of V.I.Vernadsky and I.A.Efremov as esteemed followers of Russian "cosmists", to develop synthetic research, education and cultural programs for growth of the noospheric mentality in the society, to study interaction of nature and society in order to prognose its further evolution.
Tasks of the Center: